Monday 27 July 2015

Warhammer Age of Sigmar Stormcast Eternals Army

Had some break from painting Hobbit/Lotr stuff and went for the Age of Sigmar Stormcast eternals army!

I was painting the figures on multiple occasions through two weeks time, and was aiming for a game-level standard. The colour scheme is obviously copied from the cover of the box - a very straightforward but effective way of painting the figures although might be a bit boring and repetitive after a while.

I have started from the hardest one - Lord Celestant, maybe because I knew that if I get stuck too long with him than I might just abandon the rest of the army and leave it in the same state as my Dark Vengeance set is now (shame on me). First I was painting the body of his dragon-beast and spent a while on figuring out how to paint its head until I have got a decent result. After that, painting the rest of the figure was pretty straightforward, just as you would later paint an ordinary Liberator.

I have also done some imitations of stars on the cloak - pretty basic, but would work fine for a gaming table.

Now after having the lord done, which was a great motivating factor, I went on to getting one unit of Liberators and Prosecutors. 

Just some nice and shiny unit. I didn't want to put any transfers on their empty shoulders as that would make them too much spacemarinish, and I am not really big fan of that.

Some of the most challenging things to paint so far for me where the wings of Prosecutors, as after background coats and several wash layers I was highlighting some of the "feathers" individually. When you do it on one wing it is fun, but after you realise that there are three pairs of wings to paint on both sides, it gets a bit boring.

Yet in the end the results look great (apart from few minor marks on the left wing of the head prosecutor, I have removed those but was too lazy to retake a picture)!

This is how the army looked after week one:

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