Sunday 5 July 2015

Lord of the Rings Death of Gothmog Diorama

All right, it has been one year since I have made this blog to document my painting projects, and finally, I have got around into putting my first post :)

As you can probably see the blog looks quite basic now, hopefully I will be changing some stuff when I learn more about it, but in the meanwhile I will be just going on with the pictures of the models I have painted (after all that's what matters!).

I just had a great chance to paint The Death of Gothmog diorama from the Lord of the Rings strategy battle game as a commission. This set was available as a collectors item from GW, but it has long been out of production. In fact it seems to be so rare, that there are almost no pictures of it being painted when you google it, at least that's what I have found out. That's why I though of putting up some pictures after I paint it.

The scene features one of the moments from the directors cut when wounded Eowyn is being attacked by Gothmog, but rescued with the arrival of Aragorn and Gimli who slain the orc. Legolas is missing from the diorama, at that time he is hunting Mumak. Well, at least not jumping up over falling stones!

My favourite figure is Gimly who is in a really distinct dynamic pose. I guess he could  be taken from this set and used as a single figure. The same is true for Gothmog, although he is just a moment from being cut to pieces by Aragorn, the figure on its own could make a great alternative version.

Aragorn's face looks a bit asymmetric though, pretty much messed up in the same way Cirion's face is, but luckily you don't see much of his face because of Gothmog standing before him, and the bits you get to see look quite decent :)

You might notice that on the picture some parts look shiny while others don't - this is because I     didn't want to wait to cover some parts with the matt varnish and decided to make pictures straight away!


  1. you buy the death of gothmog ???

  2. so you buy this diaporama the death of gothmog please contact mee

  3. contact mee in or
