Tuesday 6 October 2015

Old stuff - Armoured Glorfindel Conversion

While there is not much painting going on at the moment, I am digging into pictures of some older stuff I have got. So here is a conversion of armoured Glorfindel on horse, made from Elladan.

For this conversion I have made a headswap from the foot Glorfindel model as well as some minor sculpting with green stuff on the horse. I have also made a larger base (as he was going to be used as War of the Ring Epic hero).

Ended up with having a great character!

1 comment:

  1. I know this is a old post, but middle-earth sbg is coming back alive when GW published new rules this year (2018).
    I wonder is it possible to play the old Glorfindel conversion with the new rule of armor of Gondolin? The old conversion have visible chainmail and cloak.
