Wednesday 19 August 2015

The Three Hunters and the Wise

One of my recent commissions was to paint the Three Hunters set in metal. At the same time I had the same set in resin laying about, so went to paint both at the same time; it was actually a great opportunity for me personally to paint and compare which material would seem better.

Both sets have ended up looking pretty identically. On the picture above I can no longer distinquish which one is which!

From the painting prospective the finecast set was easier to paint as the metal one needed some extra layers of paint to cover the surface and the paint would not always stick to it very well. But at the same time despite the identical looks in the end I must say that I do prefer the weight and the "feeling" of the metal miniatures slightly more. 

Also I have looked to find some pictures of another Three Hunters set I have painted a year ago. That one was made for the War of the Rings game, so I have made a custom base with a dead Hunter Orc on it; decided to post it here as well so this will be a triple Three hunters post!

The other figures to paint were the Rivendell versions of Gandalf and Elrond. I really liked this version of Gandalf the Grey as the pose gives an impression of great wisdom and power the old Wizard has.

While Elrond's face sculpt is not great, the other parts of the miniature were all fun to paint, especially ornaments on his clothes.

So here is the picture of all five going together!

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