Saturday 30 January 2016

Mirkwood Armoured Elf Cavalry

Had these guys kicking around ever since their release more than a year ago, now finally got around finishing painting all of them.

And here is the Master of Laketown with his shifty Councilor as a bonus!

Monday 30 November 2015

Rivendell Knights

Had painted these Rivendell Knights over the weekend. Having painted couples of these sets before, I was aiming for a simple and quick paintjob here and I am really satisfied with the results!

Monday 19 October 2015

Gundabad orcs

My recent commission - Gundabad orcs. A fairly simple paint work gave quite satisfying results. A light purple wash over the armour gives some enchanted evil feel to them.

Tuesday 6 October 2015

Old stuff - Armoured Glorfindel Conversion

While there is not much painting going on at the moment, I am digging into pictures of some older stuff I have got. So here is a conversion of armoured Glorfindel on horse, made from Elladan.

For this conversion I have made a headswap from the foot Glorfindel model as well as some minor sculpting with green stuff on the horse. I have also made a larger base (as he was going to be used as War of the Ring Epic hero).

Ended up with having a great character!

Sunday 27 September 2015

Legolas Prince of Mirkwood and Yazneg

September has turned to be a pretty busy month for me so I had very little time for painting. One of the few things I have managed to do this month was Legolas Prince of Mirkwood and Yazneg.

I honestly say that the Prince of Mirkwood version of Legolas is one of my least favourite versions. The sculpt is pretty tiny, especially the face, also pose of the foot model is absolutely boring. The mounted version looks more dynamic at least, but still feels lacking something. Maybe that seemed to be a reason for delaying painting it for so long. Yet apart from some bits that might need some further work I am quite satisfied with the end result.

Unlike Legolas, I really loved Yazneg and he has turned out to be my favourite figure to paint so far in the entire Hobbit evil range. His bone carcass armour is a great fun to paint and it makes a perfect focal point for the figure. After painting him now I look forward to do some more Evil guys (which for some reason happens quite rare for me).